vBadvanced CMPS Icon

vBadvanced CMPS

An advanced portal / CMS that allows you to easily include elements

vBadvanced CMPSOverview

vBadvanced CMPS (Content Management & Portal System) is an advanced portal / CMS that allows you to easily include elements from your vBulletin message board on your web site's homepage, or other pages. It's module system (w/ 14 default modules included) makes almost every Aspect of the software easy to customize and change through your Admin CP. Easily create and manage new pages with your own custom content with the ability to change every setting on a per-page basis. Integrating CMPS modules with your vBulletin forum pages can also be done with no file modifications required.

Main Features:

* Over 100 default settings making almost every aspect of the product easy to customize through your vBulletin Admin CP.
* Easily create and manage your site's content and add new pages via the Admin CP.
* Page types include Module only, BB Code, Template, HTML File, and PHP file pages. This array makes things easy for the beginner and gives the advanced coder the tools they need.
* Easily add an unlimited number of new modules without hacking any vBulletin or vBadvanced files.
* Module types include BB Code, Template, and PHP file modules. Perfect for the beginner or the advanced coder.
* Control access to each module or page with usergroup permissions.
* Quick Permissions Editor that allows you to quickly and easily change these permission settings in all pages and modules at once.
* Ability to use vBulletin's WYSIWYG post editor for BB code pages and modules.
* Integration or "wrapping" the CMPS around your vBulletin forum pages can be done through the Admin CP with no file modifications required.
* Easily change the look of each page with options to move or activate modules on a per-page basis.
* Ability to set a different value for each module's settings on a per-page basis.
* Easily copy module layouts from one page to others.


Fixed some bugs.

vBadvanced CMPSInformation

File Size
Operating Systems
Windows ,Linux,Mac OS,BSD,Solaris
System Requirements
No additional system requirements.
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